XXIX Mänttä Art Festival from 15 June to 31 August 2025

Mänttä Art Festival

Mänttä Art Festival

The Mänttä Art Festival (est. 1993) is one of Finland’s leading summer exhibitions of contemporary art. Every year, a new curator brings a fresh perspective to the exhibition. Pekilo, a former factory building near the Mänttä mill chimneystack, has been the main exhibition venue for over a decade. The first Mänttä Art Festival was organised on 1993. Since then, the festival has risen to become Finland’s largest survey of contemporary Finnish art and awarded with the Finnish National Prize in 2017. Read more about the history of the Mänttä Art Festival.

Opening hours

XXIX Mänttä Art Festival takes place from 15 June to 31 August 2025 in Mänttä-Vilppula, Finland. The exhibition is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (including Midsummer day).


Pekilo Exhibition Centre, Tehtaankatu 21 FI-35800, Mänttä Finland. See map.

See the detailed travel information for people travelling from different parts of Finland.


Mänttä Art Festival
Pekilo, Tehtaankatu 21
FI-35800 Mänttä, Finland

+358 (0)50 300 9583
Customer service during the exhibition's opening hours: +358 (0)44 981 3115

Executive director
Sampsa Virkajärvi
+358 (0)50 300 9583


The Mänttä Art Festival has been organized by its founding association the Mäntän kuvataiteen ystävät (Mänttä Art Lovers) since 1993. A biennial event during the early years, the festival has been arranged annually since 1999. It is one of Finland’s leading summer reviews of contemporary art and every year, a new curator brings a fresh perspective to the exhibition. Pekilo, a former factory building near the Mänttä mill chimneystack, has been the main exhibition venue for over a decade. Read more about the history of the Mänttä Art Festival.


Pekilo is a former industrial building which has undergone extensive alterations and renovations to make the facilities as audience-friendly as possible. We continually strive to to further improve and increase accessibility. Read more!